Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sitting at the airport, boarding in an hour. WHOA

send us a letter

Many people have asked us about care packages and while this sounds really exciting, we can not really receive them until after we have reached post and have established our own PO Box. For now, we would love to receive letters and a picture of you*! We do not know how long it will take mail to reach us-- and assume it varies. People are encouraged to number their letters as they sometimes come out-of-order.

Our address is:

Our Name
Peace Corps
PO Box 6338
Amman 11118

*We will be living in an ultra conservative culture. Please keep in mind that bare skin, alcohol, anything sexual- or that could be construed as such, anything obviously LGBT- it hurts me to write that- is considered extremely offensive. 

Friday, October 22, 2010


Staging session done. We're now officially trainees, no longer just invitees. Anne's friend from college was one of the staff facilitators. The other folks are good, there's a couple other couples. Off now to buy $120 worth of cheesesteaks with our walking-around money. Pics to follow.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First post


Welcome to the Anne n' Dave Peace Corps blog. This is kind of a pre-blog, for posting stuff about staging (tomorrow) etc. until we have a chance to set up something more elaborate.

Going to bed. Flying to Philly tomorrow, staging is on Friday.